- Decision Frameworks and Thematic Supplements
- Decision Frameworks
- NEW!
- Differentiated service delivery for HIV: A Decision Framework for HIV testing services (2024 update)
- Differentiated ART delivery for key populations
- Differentiated ART delivery for children, adolescents and pregnant and breastfeeding women
- Differentiated ART Delivery
- Thematic Supplements
- Differentiated service delivery for chronic conditions
- Facilitating effective transitions between differentiated service delivery models for HIV treatment
- More...
Decision Frameworks
Differentiated service delivery for HIV: A Decision Framework for HIV testing services (2024 update)
A Decision Framework for HIV testing services (2024 update) highlights how the principles of DSD can support a systematic approach to reaching the people living with HIV that still do not know their status, who have not linked or have disengaged from care, and who are most vulnerable to HIV acquisition. It revises the 2018 version with updates in global HIV testing (HTS) policy, lessons learnt from HTS during the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthened considerations and adaptations when prioritizing testing for “prevention and treatment”.
A Decision Framework for HIV testing services (2024 update)
Coordinated action is needed to reach the HIV testing goal of 95% of all people living with HIV to know their status by 2025. This framework is designed to apply the principles of DSD to guide HIV programme managers at national and district levels, implementing partners, technical assistance providers and other key stakeholders in analysing and adapting their HTS delivery models
A Decision Framework for HIV testing services (2018)
Cadre Décisionnel pour les services de dépistage du VIH (2018)
Les principes de la prestation différenciée de services peuvent-ils contribuer à identifier nos lacunes et à adapter nos services ?
Um Quadro de decisões para serviços de teste de VIH (2018)
Será que os princípios de fornecimento de serviço diferenciado podem auxiliar na identificação das nossas lacunas e adaptação dos nossos serviços?
Differentiated ART delivery for key populations
A Decision Framework for differentiated antiretroviral therapy delivery for key populations (2018) draws purposeful attention to men who have sex with men, transgender people, people who inject drugs and sex workers. The framework outlines the methodology for identifying specific challenges, deciding what DSD models may solve these challenges and how to systematically adapt or build a differentiated model of ART delivery for a specific key population.
A Decision Framework for differentiated antiretroviral therapy delivery for key populations (2018)
Guidance on how to implement differentiated models of ART delivery for key populations
Cadre Décisionnel de prestation différenciée des traitements antirétroviraux pour les populations clés (2018)
Destinés à informer la prise de décision des responsables de la santé au sein des ministères de la santé
Um Quadro de Decisões para fornecimento diferenciado de tratamentos antirretrovirais para populações chave (2018)
Destinados a apoiar a tomada de decisões por parte de gestores de saúde nos ministérios da saúde
Differentiated ART delivery for children, adolescents and pregnant and breastfeeding women
A Decision Framework for differentiated antiretroviral therapy delivery for children, adolescents and pregnant and breastfeeding women (2017)
Guidance on how to implement differentiated models of ART delivery for children, adolescents and pregnant and breastfeeding women
Cadre Décisionnel pour la prestation différenciée des traitements antirétroviraux pour les enfants, les adolescents et les femmes enceintes et qui allaitent (2017)
Ce cadre vise à aider les gestionnaires des programmes VIH aux niveaux national et de district
Um quadro de decisões para o fornecimento de tratamentos antirretrovirais diferenciados para crianças, adolescentes e mulheres grávidas e lactantes (2017)
O quadro visa apoiar gerentes de programas de VIH a nível nacional e distrital
Differentiated ART Delivery
Differentiated care for HIV: A decision framework for antiretroviral therapy delivery (2016) supports how to implement differentiated ART delivery. It provides a background to the principles and a menu of examples. A 5-step plan to guide ART programme managers is outlined and the key “elements” to consider are described along with the “building blocks” of service delivery.
A Decision Framework for differentiated antiretroviral therapy delivery for children, adolescents and pregnant and breastfeeding women (2017) draws purposeful attention to these specific populations. It is the second of the Decision Framework series and supports how to implement the 2017 Key considerations for differentiated antiretroviral therapy delivery for specific populations: children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women and key populations (see WHO section below for more detail).
Differentiated care for HIV: A Decision Framework for antiretroviral therapy delivery (2016)
Guidance on how to implement differentiated models of ART delivery
Prise en charge différenciée du HIV : Cadre Décisionnel pour la prestation de traitements antirétroviraux (2016)
Ce Cadre Décisionnel se consacre à la prestation différenciée des TAR
Cuidados diferenciados para VIH: Um Quadro de Decisões para o fornecimento de tratamentos antirretrovirais (2016)
Este Quadro de Decisões centra-se na prestação de fornecimento diferenciado de TAR
Thematic Supplements
Differentiated service delivery for chronic conditions
This supplement to A Decision Framework for antiretroviral therapy delivery outlines how the principles of differentiated service delivery (DSD) for HIV treatment for clients established on treatment can be applied to benefit people with any chronic condition.
Differentiated Service Delivery for chronic conditions (IAS) (July 2024)
This supplement provides an overview of why DSD is needed beyond HIV and describes the key enablers for DSD for chronic conditions. It includes examples of how the building blocks of DSD can be used for chronic conditions and examples of how service delivery for chronic conditions may be integrated.
Prestation différenciée de services pour les maladies chroniques (IAS) (July 2024)
Le présent Supplément au Cadre décisionnel pour la prestation de traitements antirétroviraux définit comment les principes de la prestation différenciée de services dans le cas du traitement du VIH pour les clients suivant un traitement peuvent être appliqués aux personnes vivant avec une maladie chronique ou ayant d’autres besoins de santé chroniques.
Prestación de servicios diferenciados para enfermedades crónicas (IAS) (July 2024)
El presente suplemento del marco de decisiones para la administración de tratamiento antirretrovírico (A Decision Framework for Antiretroviral Therapy Delivery describe los beneficios que puede brindar la aplicación de los principios de la prestación de servicios diferenciados para pacientes en tratamiento contra el VIH en las personas que viven con alguna enfermedad crónica o que tienen necesidades de salud crónicas.
Prestação de serviços diferenciados para doenças crônicas (IAS) (July 2024)
Este suplemento do documento Estrutura decisória para a administração da terapia antirretroviral descreve como os princípios de prestação de serviços diferenciados (PSD) no tratamento do HIV para clientes estabelecidos em tratamento podem ser aplicados para beneficiar pessoas que vivem com qualquer doença crônica.
Facilitating effective transitions between differentiated service delivery models for HIV treatment
This supplement to A Decision Framework for antiretroviral therapy delivery outlines how to facilitate effective transitions between differentiated service delivery (DSD) models for HIV treatment. Ensuring effective transitions is important for treatment continuity and long-term retention and adherence. It is intended for the use of national and district antiretroviral therapy (ART) programme managers, implementing partners, community partners and donors.
Facilitating effective transitions between differentiated service delivery models for HIV treatment (IAS) (2023)
This supplement focuses on effective transitions between DSD models for HIV treatment.
Favoriser une transition efficace entre les modèles de prestation différenciée de services dans le traitement du VIH (IAS) (2023)
Le présent supplément au Cadre décisionnel pour la prestation de traitements antirétroviraux explique comment favoriser une transition efficace entre les modèles de PDS dans le traitement du VIH.
Facilitar transições eficazes entre modelos de prestação de serviço diferenciado para o tratamento do VIH (IAS) (2023)
Estes complemento de Um quadro de decisões para a prestação de terapia antirretroviral descreve a forma de facilitar transições eficazes entre modelos de prestação de serviço diferenciado (PSD) para o tratamento do VIH.
Country policy development brief: Differentiated PrEP service delivery
Differentiated pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) service delivery. Key considerations in developing policy guidance for differentiated PrEP service delivery (IAS) (2022)
This brief is intended to support countries to develop and include differentiated PrEP service delivery in their national HIV operational guidance.
Leveraging differentiated ART delivery models to strengthen family planning
This supplement to A Decision Framework for antiretroviral therapy delivery outlines how models of differentiated ART delivery can be leveraged towards strengthening family planning. It is intended for the use of national and district ART programme managers, implementing partners, community partners and donors.
Leveraging differentiated ART delivery models to strengthen family planning (2020)
This supplement focuses on family planning in DSD models for HIV treatment.
Tirer parti des les modèles de prestation différenciée des tar pour renforcer les services de planification familiale (2020)
Supplément au Cadre décisionnel pour la prestation différenciée des traitements antirétroviraux
Tirar partido de modelos de fornecimento diferenciado de tarv para reforꞔar os cuidados de planeamento familiar
Suplemento de Um quadro de decisões para o fornecimento de tratamentos antirretrovirais
Leveraging Differentiated ART delivery models for stable clients to scale up TB preventive therapy
This supplement to A Decision Framework for antiretroviral therapy delivery (2019) outlines how models of differentiated ART delivery can be leveraged towards scaling up TB preventive therapy. This supplement is intended for the use of national and district ART programme managers, implementing partners, community partners and donors.
Leveraging Differentiated ART delivery models for stable clients to scale up TB preventive therapy
This supplement focuses on TPT delivery in DSD models
Tirer parti des les modèles de prestation différenciée des services liés aux traitements antirétroviraux auprès des patients stables afin d’intensifier le traitement préventif de la tuberculose (2020)
Supplément au Cadre décisionnel pour la prestation différenciée des traitements antirétroviraux
Tirar partido de modelos de fornecimento diferenciado de tarv para reforꞔar os cuidados de planeamento familiar
Suplemento de Um quadro de decisões para o fornecimento de tratamentos antirretrovirais
Priority actions for differentiated ART delivery in West and Central Africa
In 2019, a supplement to A Decision framework for antiretroviral therapy delivery titled Prioritizing differentiated ART delivery for clinically stable clients in West and Central Africa (WCA) was developed for national and district ART managers, implementing partners, community partners and donors to support scale up of differentiated ART delivery in WCA. In addition to providing an overview of DSD and guidance on prioritization, the supplement outlines a number of case studies from the region.
Also published in 2019, Prioritizing differentiated ART delivery to fast track reaching HIV targets in West and Central Africa is a policy brief outlining the key actions to scale up differentiated ART delivery for clinically stable clients in WCA. The brief is designed to support advocacy with policy makers, funders and programme implementers globally and in WCA.
Prioritizing differentiated ART delivery for clinically stable clients in West and Central Africa (2019)
A supplement to support differentiated ART delivery in West and Central Africa
Privilégier la prestation différenciée des traitements antirétroviraux pour les clients cliniquement stables en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (2019)
Un supplément pour plaider en faveur d’une prestation différenciée des TAR en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
Prioritizing differentiated ART delivery to fast track reaching HIV targets in West and Central Africa (2019)
Faire de la prestation différenciée des traitements antirétroviraux une priorité pour rapidement atteindre les objectifs de lutte contre le VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (2019)
Note d’information avec des messages de plaidoyer clés sur la prestation différenciée des TAR en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre